Friday, August 16, 2013

What is a good photograph?

A good photograph makes you smile, pulls you in and gives you a unique experience.

A great photograph stays with you for for weeks, months, years.

And some just simply say, "I love you."

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Rain Chain

This post is totally not photography related, but what the heck, I'm in charge around here.  One of the things I enjoy about art is being able to share it, and besides doing that via the web (blogs, facebook,, every year I make an effort to participate in Pittsburgh's Art All Night.  The second thing that I love about art is the ability to elicit an emotional response, and a response of appreciation, happiness, etc, is totally the best.  In other words, its nice when someone likes your stuff.

Well, a year later I happen into this blog post by someone who liked my stained glass rain chain that I entered in the 2012 Art All Night.  The proof is here:  Well that makes me happy :)

It's also a good reminder that I still have work to do on it.  What I entered was actually a rough prototype and I need to get moving on the next phase :)

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Ready for the weekend!

For today's wedding I've chosen the ensemble that I now refer to as the "I've-already-fallen-into-a-swamp-nothing-worse-could-possibly-happen" outfit.  Ironically, it consists of the only silk shirt I've ever owned that I haven't managed to snag, even though I rolled around on a boardwalk in it during previously mentioned incident.  I hereby deem it my "lucky outfit."  I'm super excited for today's wedding, being part of it is awesome, but as an extra personal bonus it is actually in the church my grandparents were married in.  

I promise more posts this weekend, with actual pictures in them :)  I have photos for my farm series to blog about, and have a veggie shoot planed for tomorrow.  Busy weekend!