That, is a great analogy for my life. I get so freaking excited about things and there are SO many things to be excited about! For example, just about anything related to photography :) Blogs, books, websites, you name it. And the photos; millions of photos everywhere. So many little treasures just waiting to be discovered. Waiting to be created.
My current area of excitement is on the business end of things. It started with developing fall promotional material and spiraled into a client FAQ, new letterhead, new booking packets, a new workflow, more defined responsibilities, a new website...... Tonight, after watching me work late nights for the better part of two weeks, my husband finally pointed out the fact that I tend to throw myself into things 150%, while most people might take one task at a time instead of five. I wish he'd mentioned it a little sooner; maybe I'd be less tired :) Ah, who am I kidding, 150% is nothing. I'm way too excited about growing our business.
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